1] What do you mean by the term ‘Cost of Quality’?
A] Quality costs are the costs associated with monitoring, ensuring or failing to achieve product/service quality. They are classified as prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, and external failure costs.
2] What are the elements of TQM?
A] Top management commitment, customer focus, employee involvement, etc.
3] What is customer satisfaction?
A] Meeting or exceeding customer expectations in the use of a product/service.
4] List the benefits of team work.
A] Many heads are more knowledgeable than one. Each member of the team has special abilities that can be used to solve problems. It promotes camaraderie, team spirit.
5] Distinguish between discrete and variable data with suitable examples.
A] Variable data occur on a continuous scale, e.g. length, diameter, weight, temperature, etc. Discrete data can be counted or classified as good or bad, e.g. number of errors, good quality or poor quality, etc.
6] What is the need for six sigma state?
A] Six sigma is a rigorous concept of applying SPC to control defects in products/processes to 3.4 parts per million (ppm) as against 0.27% (2,700ppm) defects in the traditional three sigma approach. Hence the application of six sigma concept means controlling variations and thereby defects closer to the level of zero defects.
7] What is Benchmarking?
A] Benchmarking is a systematic method by which organizations can measure themselves against the best industry practices and implement changes to gain competitive advantage.
8] Give Taguchi’s definition of Quality.
A] Taguchi worked in terms of quality loss rather than quality. He used loss function to measure quality. The loss function is defined ad “loss imparted to society by a product during its life cycle”, i.e. the costs incurred in the production process as well as the costs encountered during use by the customer.
9] What are the ISO 9000 standards?
A] ISO 9000 is a quality management system (QMS), i.e. a se of quality standards aimed at promoting the growth of international trade by facilitating harmonious interactions between suppliers and customers located in diverse locations globally.
10] Mention the objectives of Quality audits.
A] To determine whether quality activities and results comply with planned arrangements, whether these arrangements are implemented effectively, and whether these are suitable to achieve objectives.
11[a] Explain in detail the road map of quality planning.
A] Explain various aspects such as vision statement, mission statement, quality policy, strategic plan, quality plan, procedures, etc. in detail.
11[b](i) Explain the basic concepts of TQM.
A] Explain the following: top management commitment, customer focus, worker involvement, continuous improvement, treating suppliers as partners, performance measures, etc.
11[b](ii) Explain the principles of TQM.
A] Explain the following: People and relationships – leadership, customer satisfaction employee involvement, supplier partnership, etc.
12[a](i) Describe the importance of customer retention in an organization.
A] Explain aspects like customer focus, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer retention, etc.
12[a](ii) Discuss Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
A] Explain the five levels of needs propounded by Maslow: Physiological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.
12[b] Explain all the elements of 5S principles in detail.
A] Explain the features and importance of each of the 5S: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke.
13[a] Explain with neat diagrams and examples, the seven tools of quality.
A] Explain the features and usage of the following: check sheet, histogram, scatter diagram, control chart, Pareto chart, cause-and-effect diagram, and process decision program chart.
13[b](i) Cricket scores problem:
A] Average scores: Batsman A = 542/11 = 49.27; Batsman B = 604/11 = 54.91
Standard deviations: Batsman A = √(12,867/11) = 34.2; Batsman B = √(8,381/11) = 27.6
Batsman B is both the better scorer and the more consistent scorer.
13[b](ii) Describe in detail the steps of achieving the six sigma state.
A] Explain the DMAIC and DMADV models of six sigma implementation.
14[a](i) Explain each section of the basic structure of ‘House of Quality’.
A] Explain the nine parts comprising the HOQ: customer requirements (whats); technical requirements (hows); interrelationships among the ‘hows’; relationships between the ‘whats’ and the ‘hows’; importance ratings; competitors’ evaluation; selling points; targets; and deployment.
14[a](ii) Highlight the benefits of QFD.
A] Briefly explain the following: reduces product development time and costs; reduces time to market; improves customer satisfaction; improves quality; reduces quality costs.
14[b](i) Explain the objectives and concept of TPM.
A] Explain the importance of TPM and the various objectives it aims to achieve in improving an organization’s functioning.
14[b](ii) List the benefits of FMEA.
A] Explain FMEA as a tool to foresee and prevent at the design stage itself all possible ways in which a product can fail during its use and the various benefits of taking such advance preventive action.
15[a] Explain the classification of ISO 9000 quality system standards.
A] Explain the relevant features of ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003 and ISO 9004.
15[b] Explain the steps involved in the implementation of Quality system.
A] Explain the 15 steps involved, viz. top management commitment, appoint management representative, awareness program, implementation team, training, time schedule, etc.
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