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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Electronics & Communication Engineering 7th semester notes

PART-A                                                                                 (10 x 2 = 20marks)
  1. List any 4 advantages of SOI over n & p well processes.
·         Denser packing of devices is possible.
·         Lowered substrate capacitance – Faster ckts.
·         No latch – up as substrate is insulator.
·         Enhanced tolerance to radiation.
  1. What is a LDD structure.
LDD stands for Lightly doped drain. It is a technology used to overcome hot electron effect. Initially the drain/source is lightly doped and over the gate a spacer oxide is grown over this a heavier implant is done, moving higher concentration of electrons away from gate.

  1. Name 4 popular materials used as masks
Silicon di oxide
Photo resist
Poly - silicon
Silicon Nitride.
  1. Name the two kinds of CMOS layout rules and give the minimum size for n- well layer in each of them.
Lamda rule - 10λ , Micron rule - 2µ.
  1. Draw the ckt of a two input CMOS NAND gate.

  1. What are the 2 kinds of delays in verilog statements?
1)      Inter statement
A= b + c;
#5 c = A + x;
2)      Intra statement
A = #5 b+c;
  1. Construct a 2 x 1 MUX using tristate primitives.
A 2 X 1 MUX can be constructed using one bufif0 and one bufif1 as shown below.

  1. Give the syntax of two conditional statements.
1)      if (expression) statement;
2)      if (expression) statement1;
else (expression) statement2;
3)      if (expression) statement1;
else if(expression) statement2;
else if(expression) statement3;
else default statement.
  1. Explain the compiler directive  - timescale.
‘ timescale 1ns/100ps – is the syntax for this compiler directive . Here 1ns is the defined time unit and 100ps is the precision.
  1. Define an identifier.
An identifier is a single group of characters which is used to reference the modules, objects and variables . It can be lower case and upper case alphabets, numbers from 0 to 9, $ (dollar) and _ (under score). It has to begin with a alphabet or under score. Verilog is case sensitive.

Set - II

PART-A                                                                                 (10 x 2 = 20marks)

  1. Explain the different oxidation methods used in CMOS fabrication
a)      wet oxidation: Oxidizing the silicon wafer in the presence of water vapour between 900 C – 1000 C .This is a rapid process.
b)     Dry oxidation : Oxidizing the silicon wafer in the presence of oxygen around 1200 C . Acceptable growth rate.
  1. List the advantages of twin tub over n / p- well processes.
·         Used for protection against latch-up
·         Provides separate optimization of p-type & n-type transistors

  1. What are the different tools available in a typical CAD tool set?.
Design rule checker and Mask circuit – extraction program.
  1. Draw the ckt of a CMOS 2 input NOR gate.
  1. Define MSI, LSI and VLSI.
 MSl:Medium-scaleIntegration, 10<1000
 LSl:Large-scaleIntegration, Gates>1000
 VLSI: Very Large-scale Integration, Gates>100000
  1. What is the difference between = = = and = = in Verilog ?
= = = is used for case equality and = =  is used for identity in Verilog HDL.
  1. What is gate delay.
Verilog provides techniques for introducing delays at gate level.
The delay through agate is modeled using a single delay time – propagation delay
If rise time and fall time are known they are specified  as
nand # (t_rise,t_fall) G1( out,a,b );
Turn off delay can be specified as nand # (t_rise, t_fall, t_off) G1( out,a,b );
  1. Give the symbol, Truth table and syntax of bufif1.
SYNTAX: bufif1 instance_name( out,in,ctrl);

  1. Give the structural coding of a half adder.
module half (a,b,s,c);
input a;
input b;
output c;
output s;
xor (s,a,b);
and (c,a,b);
  1. Explain the significance of zero based delay.
Statements with # 0 delay are always executed last in the execution time step. This also avoids races.

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