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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

TQM:Electronics & Communication Engineering 7th semester notes


1] What are the dimensions of quality?
A] Dimensions of product quality: Performance, features, usability, conformance, reliability, durability, maintainability, efficiency, aesthetics, and safety.
Dimensions of service quality: Time, timeliness, completeness, consistency, convenience, accuracy, responsiveness, courtesy, and competency/expertise.
2] Define the term Appraisal Cost.
A] The costs incurred in assessing the quality of output at various stages of production.
3] Differentiate between Recognition and Reward.
A] Recognition is publicly acknowledging the contributions made by an employee in achieving an organization’s objectives. Reward takes the form of monetary and non-monetary incentives in the form of cash gift, prize, promotion, etc.
4] Define Empowerment.
A] Empowerment is the power and authority given to an employee to show initiative and take decisions on his own without the need to consult his superior.
5] What are the new management tools of quality?
A] (i) Affinity diagram, (ii) Relationship diagram, (iii) Tree diagram, (iv)Matrix diagram, (v) Prioritization matrix, (vi) Process decision program chart, and (vii) Activity network diagram. 
6] Define process capability ratio.
A] The ratio of the specification width to the natural control limits of a process.
      CP = (USL – LSL)/6σ where USL=upper specification limit, LSL=lower     specification limit and σ = standard deviation.
7] What is QFD?
A] QFD is a method for developing a design quality aimed at satisfying the customer by integrating the voice of the customer (VOC) throughout the organization.
8] Name the pillars of TPM.
A] 1. 5S principles, 2. Jishu Hozen, 3. Kobetsu Kaizen, 4. Planned maintenance, 5. Quality Maintaenance, 6. Training, 7. Office TPM, and 8. Safety, health and environment.
9] Differentiate QMS and EMS.
A] QMS is Quality Management System, employed for achieving ISO 9000 standard while EMS is Environment Management System, employed for achieving ISO 14000.
10] What are the stages of audit?
A] 1.Audit planning, 2.Performance, 3.Reporting, and 4.Follow-up.

11[a] [i] Explain the basic principles of TQM.
A] Explain each of the following: Management commitment; Focus on customer; Employee involvement; Continuous improvement; Treating suppliers as partners, etc.
11[a][ii] Discuss the barriers to TQM implementation.
A] Explain the following: Lack of management commitment,; Inability to change organizational culture; Improper planning; Lack of employee involvement, etc.
11[b] Explain Deming’s 14 philosophy.
A] Give brief explanations of Deming’s 14 Points, viz. 1. Create and publicize to all employees the aims and purposes of the organization, 2. Adopt the new philosophy, etc.
12[a] Define Teams. What are the various types of teams? Explain their roles and functions.
A] A team is defined as a group of people working together to attain common objectives. The various types of teams are: Quality Circles, Process improvement teams, Cross-functional teams, Problem-solving teams, Project teams, Self-directed teams, etc. (Give an explanation of their roles and functions).
12[b] Write short notes:
a) Juran Trilogy: Give explanations of [i] Quality planning, [ii] Quality control, and [iii] Quality improvement.
b) PDSA cycle: Give explanation of Deming’s Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle.
c) Kaizen: Explain the concept of gradual, continuous improvement.
d) 5’S concept: Explain the meanings of Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke.
13[a] Control charts problem:
A] X double bar = 51.35; R bar = 3.1
UCL (X bar) = 51.35 + (0.73)(3.1) = 53.61; LCL (X bar) = 51.35 – (0.73)(3.1) = 51.12
UCL (R) = D4.R bar = (2.28)(3.1) = 7.07; LCL(R) = 0
R-chart: process is in control; X bar chart: Sample 7 is outside control limits.
σ = R bar / d2 = 3.1/2.059 = 1.506
CP = (USL – LSL}/6σ = (54 – 46)/(6X1.506) = 0.885.
Since CP < 1, machine is not capable of meeting specification requirements.    
13[b] Explain the DMAIC and DMADV models of six sigma.
A] Explain the two basic models for implementation of six sigma: Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) model for improving existing processes, and Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Verify (DMADV) model for designing new products.
14[a] Define Benchmarking. Discuss the types and steps in benchmarking process.
A] Give the definition of benchmarking, explain the types of benchmarking (internal, competitive, and process benchmarking), and discuss the six steps involved in the benchmarking process (Decide what to benchmark, Understand current performance, Plan, Study others, Learn from the data, and Use the findings).
14[b] Explain the House of Quality matrix and its components with an example.
A] Explain about QFD, discuss about the use of HOQ as a tool for implementing QFD, and explain the six components of the House of Quality through any example.
15[a] Write short notes on
(I)                Policy, procedure, work instruction, records in ISO 9000: Give brief explanations of each of these terms as used in ISO 9000.
(II)             Quality auditing Give the definition of the term, explain the stages in conducting quality audit, and the checklists for conducting audit.

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