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Friday, May 14, 2010

                                                               Bachelor of Engineering(B.E)/
                                           B.TECH  DEGREE EXAMINATION,APRIL/MAY 2010
                                                                                     Sixth semester
                                               ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING
                                                 CS1251-COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE
                    (Common to Fourth Semester Computer Science and  Engineering/
                       Information Technology)
                                                                                (Regulation 2004)
                    (Common to Bachelor of Engineering (Part-Time)Fifth    Semester
                    Regulation 2005)
           Time:3hrs                                                                                                                               Max:100marks
                                                                  Answer ALL the questions.
                                                     PART-A (10x2=20 marks)
1.       What is meant by Central Processing Unit?
2.       Define Control Bus.
3.       How do you convert 2’s complement  to decimal?
4.       Draw the logical circuit for array multiplication.
5.       When does imprecise exception arise?
6.       Compare horizontal and vertical format.
7.       What is TLB?
8.       How is average access time of two level memory systems computed?
9.       Explain why cannot I/O devices be connected directly to the system bus.
10.     State the widely used bus standards.

                                                  PART-B (5x16=80marks)
11.    (a)What are the basic instruction types? Explain with suitable examples.
(b)What is the need for different addressing modes? Explain  the various addressing modes with   
      the examples.
       12.  (a)(i) Perform 25 x (- 16) using booth’s multiplication algorithm.
    (ii) What are the problems in floating point arithmetic ?
               (b) Describe the algorithm for integer division with suitable example.
       13. (a)Explain the various types of pipeline hazards and their resolution mechanisms in detail.
               (b)Explain the various branching techniques used in micro programmed control unit. 
                   Illustrate the micro operations with the help of a flowchart for the instruction :Add src,  
                  Rdst instruction.
     14. (a) Explain in detail the internal organization of a memory chip.
            (b) Explain the various types of optical memory in detail.
     15. (a) Explain various bus arbitration mechanisms in DMA transfer.
            (b) Discuss the data transfer mechanism of the PCI bus.

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